
Programme Overview

Our law career & work experience programme offers high school and university students an opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of the UK legal industry, equipping students with the experience, knowledge and skills necessary to break into and succeed in this highly competitive field.

The experience, which has been designed and is led by experienced professionals from a wide spectrum of legal specialisms, will see students will benefit from i) a combination of theoretical lectures, ii) opportunities to gain experience working as a lawyer, iii) workshops enabling the development of important technical and soft skills, and iv) Q&A networking sessions with top legal professionals. 

The theoretical lectures cover a broad range of topics including the different areas of practice within law, key legal principles, and current issues facing the legal profession. The industry case studies / opportunities to work as a lawyer will enable students to gain experience in the role of a solicitor and develop important skills to succeed in the industry, including critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication.

Our experienced legal professionals will also provide personalised university guidance and career mentorship to support students in navigating their academic and professional choices, enabling students to achieve their maximum future prospects. Specifically, our lawyers will deliver mentorship on qualifying as a UK lawyer and the paths available to students to qualify, whilst our law school advisors will advise on how to break into law school, and how to source and obtain legal internships / work experience opportunities. Overall, students will be well-equipped to build their CVs and position themselves for future success in the industry.

In addition, students will benefit from the opportunity to participate in an exclusive Q&A and networking session with guest speakers and established legal professionals across various sectors of the legal industry. Besides growing your professional network, this networking session will provide students with valuable insights into the forefront of the legal industry, its diverse areas of practice and the direction it is headed in the future.

By participating in our law career and work experience programme, students will gain a unique advantage in their pursuit of a successful career in the legal industry. Register now to take the first step towards achieving your future aspirations.

Why Should I Attend?

Receive a Comprehensive Overview and Understanding into All Areas of Law

Enhance Your University, Law School, and Career Prospects

Gain Legal Experience by Working as a Lawyer

Grow Your Professional Network